Creation process.
Gaining inspiration from a useful tutorial on Psd-tuts ( I was able to find a particular type of lineage and how to create it using Adobe Illustrator, this was infect the first time I had seriously used Illustrator, and this tutorial taught me a lot. Through the process I learnt lineage and 3D transforming affects.
These images are quick example of the process used, i copied over the original text with a thin brush tool, after this i transformed the lines into 3D giving a nice effect, from that I copied this into photoshop and created a drop shadow, and a blue hugh to radiate from the lines, unhappy with the colour and transformed the lines themselves to a more creamy white colour, I think this theme of colour could represent the purity and simplicity of the service offered.

The font type I had used Ayuthaya was chosen because at the time it seemed like quite a definitive type font to sketch the lineage around easier, but additionally for the simplistic element to coincide with the lineage used. Additionally within the text there is a slight undertone of typewriter, futuristic text styles, from the shape of the letters particularly the "I"

In terms of the lineage used, I thought this was effective with the elements of simplicity brought forth from its visual style.

Furthermore: Now I have a basic idea of my logo and the lineage technique, i will build upon perhaps change some factors, like introducing some thicker lines, play around with the colour a little more, and add a tad more clarity. Once I am happy with this, i will need to start looking into a technique, and making the linage grow from the edge of the screen and form the final piece.
An idea i had upon this would be to rub out a small inch of each line inside out, a gruelling process. But this will allow me to speed up the frames per second and reverse the rubbing effect creating a growth effect.