When it comes to the general consensus of Broadband user majority of people who wish their high speeds gained from Internet would fall under a young generation of individuals from 40 under, most particularly 13-25. This is because majority of these youths use the Internet constantly through their lives and test its uses to the limits one particular example would be Online gaming. Games such as World of Warcraft and Call Of Duty have massive user bases rating into the millions. And these games are demanding and expansive, Online gaming is the newest thing and the one of the easiest things to gain contrary to the difficulty just 7 years ago. These youths additionally use the internet for videos, downloads, music and a variety of other speed intensive activities. And one finds that in such a high-paced technological savvy lifestyle money is no option, the more something costs the more the need for it. Commercialism is a must.
This is the Audience I wish to design my advertising piece around the type that require super fast broadband regardless the cost, to relate to these audiences I will need to Emulate the styles of other Highspeed Broadbands such as Virgin Media, who favor a style of "power" around their adverts, a offering of services and a visual effect of what the Broadband will do to your life.

As you can see the advert will start of with a plug, what gets pushed. As soon as the click of the plug goes down a burst of radience and life explodes from the bottom, swirling and growing. This pushing of the bottom is very similar to that of the Virgin Media advert, the switch acting as a symbol (Virgins opening the door) for starting the broadband experience, the life and growth of the lines act as the broadband.

The growth symbolic of the immense power the broadband's offers, the origin power the power of growth. Representing a wild expanse of infinite power. And also the graphical look acts as a insensitive and eye opener. A advert that looks more technological advanced in its graphical capabilities obvious looks like a superior and more advanced type.

Draft Storyboard
This is a Brainstorm for the initial ideas I had conceived when creating a Broadband advert, unfortunately I was unable to produce a mass trove of ideas, due to the fact that Broadband adverts have a very strict and one way side and style. Verging from such a style although creative, may not be the boldest idea, this could misonscrew a convention with a heavy foundation and style, making an adaption of a already used styles like a plethora of other companies do I believe is the soundest strategy, I have began to conceive the idea of perhaps using the style of energy and power within the work indicative of Broadband connection, cables and wiring and such resonating energy.
Additionally I looked into the different things Broadband offers. This would be perhaps music, gaming and movie prominently especially if someone desires a faster service. This allows me to segregate my target audience to that of the modern youth culture I shall begin to look into this.