Monday 2 May 2011

Working Progress.

This is a first draft of the final part of the advertising piece, using the glowing orb effect I included earlier on, I have used its potential to track the lines of the Eminence draw Animation, additionally I have also used a similar affect in the background, this I believe adds a additional eye catching element to the whole thing. The lines have also increased in their contrast with the white resonating an additional glow, this creates a more convincing, and recognisable style to wishes a cable like animation to unfold.

This piece will be used as my web-popup and to the end of the adverts, this piece of animation will be the herald of the Eminence advert range and will be the recognisable factor, this symmetry between adverts will invoke a recognisable factor. For the audience to watch the advert and perhaps even see the glimpse, but understand the company. This will link all of them together and scarcely avoid possible confusion that may occur.

A lot of inspiration on the style and effects I wished to gain from this piece, relate alot to the Marxist theory, especially Marshal McLuhan's theory regarding technology and the extension theory. A theory I looked at earlier in my blog, The envelopment of cables (representing the broadband) And the title of the sequences merges the two types together, a similar event caused by the envelopment of technology to the nervous system. And thus I hope that this relation works.

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